Carla Brunson Clark aka Mallee
How I came to be President of this Amazing Club
I need to let you know some about me and if I sound like a crazy human, well I am,and it is a requirement in my opinion to live in this world (not of it...) To began I don't think I am complex but maybe...I am serious about real life and peoples hearts, while I love to laugh and make fun of people (I make fun of myself also), Evidently used to be a pretty tall Texan girl, from what people tell me...but I didn't realize it until recently (too late now!) I am competitive within a bit too much, yet accepting of anyone else. I have 2 happily married daughters~ which I am not married any longer (happily) and I have 8 grandchildren ages 4yrs to 21yrs...and we live in Horseshoe Bay
Texas and lovin it♥
This club was formed by myself with much incentive by my dear friend and mentor PurpleBondGirl (President Purple Reigns) … I felt the need to give these girls a positive,supportive, active place they could enjoy becoming skilled players with a home away from home and real friendship that gives them encouragement in their daily lives. It is imperative that a club “is a good fit” ~(My Club Motto)~...for the type of members they desire.
Loving fashion all of my life, it is great to express it here when sometime real life does not allow. I started playing in December 2016 and quickly knew I would enjoy this game….I never applied to any clubs but was recruited by a big club within a month or so. After a short time, the president took a leave of absence and turned the club over to another… at the time I had not formed any opinions about the leadership...I felt good about the club and shortly became a Vice-President. The previous president never returned and therefore the new president along with myself and other VP’s began to really learn how to improve the club and know this game...the club needed a skills program and a supportive background.
I became distraught because I really wanted to help the girls, but, after a few months, I realized that personalities had a different mind set and my efforts were moot. I had been trying to learn what was needed for skills program and to learn as much about the game as I could and I met PBG in this time, she taught me more than you cam imagine, let me ask questions, and was willing to take her personal time to help me...she wanted to know what I was made of, I could tell and was glad that she cared that much, and soon after realizing, the club was Not a good fit for me. In July 2017, with a very sad heart I announced I must leave the club that I didn't want any discord and it would be more harm to the girls there than helpful. In that time, some of the members messaged me and wanted to come with me ...not knowing exactly where I would go (an invitation from PBG was very encouraging) but I felt a need to help the girls that wanted to go with me from the club, so I formed this club with the advice and support from her. She spent time helping me build a website that I had started and has never let me down, she is very knowledgeable and a true friend. Every time I questioned myself she would set me straight & she always told me her honest opinion. I started out with 4 of us from that club (Sasha, Loca, & Raj), and more have come but I have NEVER tried to coheres members to leave and come to my club. Even a couple of them have moved on from here but we
remain very good friends, especially Jay my "Bright Star".*****New notation(Jay is back with us now!)
One Year Anniversary passed….we maxed on our club skills own 5 Trophies and still forming the club slow (advice from PBG) we have 50 members now. I am not recruiting but want our current members solid so we stay organized and close. I have the most supportive, loyal, and hard working group of wonderful ladies.
Updates to the game changed CLUB STATS and many reset, so we are now working on those again, and
various other things to re-group now in 2021...personally in my country USA it has been very different in Government and I have become very involved in truth seeking. Around the World fear has sadly spread with so
many unknowns as well, but I trust in the Lord and keep fighting .
I have been so Blessed with the girls here, they are amazing, loving, and we are a close supportive club. While Many of us believe in Jesus and freely and state it in our club, we never push our beliefs on others or require them to do the same.
I am a competitive player, but in the end, as a President, I care more about these girls' well being than anything else.
I do have a pet peeve ~and it is Policy Violations which are very important to my opinion it says something about who you are. It is a trust thing with me and this is my biggest issue. .. .as I have said many times Being here is a Choice and Policy is not a punishment. If you feel our Club would be a place you could call home, I welcome you to read our Policies and apply at the bottom of the that page or send me a personal message.
I am so happy with this group...they make my day so much brighter♥I hope you like the website, I am working daily to improve it♥
Love these girls like a June morning!~ Mallee